Cybersecurity Awareness Training Improves Your ROI on IT Security


As cyber-attacks come from many different directions and are increasingly more sophisticated, the current threat matrix is vast and scary, pushing forward-thinking companies into spending significant sums of money on protecting themselves from malicious external actors.

A robust cybersecurity framework enables you to identify and protect your business from threats and positions you for the best possible outcome should the worst happen.

This layered IT security approach consists of five primary functions: Identify, Protect, Detect, Respond, and Recover. It requires a broad focus on security basics such as antivirus software and a range of other tools to help intercept attacks “at the gates” and includes data backup and disaster recovery plans to limit downtime should a hacker manage to work his way through a vulnerability in the system.

Unfortunately, even the most elaborate and expensive systems designed to defend your corporate network are not 100% secure.

Should a phishing email slip past your email filter into your employees’ inbox, how certain are you that your investment in your technical security won’t be reduced to nothing by one moment of carelessness?

Educating your workforce on the dangers that lurk on the ‘net’ significantly increases the return on your IT security investments. Teach your team security best practices so that they become part of your security solution rather than being yet another risk factor.

A few examples of the way your employees may be unwittingly putting your company at risk include:

  • They use simple, easy-to-guess passwords
  • They only change their passwords when forced to
  • When working from a remote location, many will use free, unsecured WiFi hotspots
  • A high percentage of people use the same passwords across accounts
  • They fail to use multi-factor authentication, even when available
  • Too many people assume that any attachment that lands in their email inbox is safe and will open and download it without giving it a second thought
  • And very little cross-checking is done when, at first glance, it appears that someone is reaching out to them via corporate channels asking them to take action (buy gift cards, wire money, send personal information)

Without proper employee cybersecurity training focused on preventing these common mistakes and implementing and communicating best practices to your staff, the ROI on your IT investment is worth a lot less than it should be.

Curious to know how we might be able to help, contact us today.


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