How To Prevent Your Data from Being Sold on the Dark Web

There are over 5 billion web pages on the “standard” internet. Multiply that number by about 500, and that’s how big the dark web is estimated to be. We’re talking over 90,000 terabytes of data. With 2.7 million active users connecting to the dark web daily, the dark web keeps getting bigger and bigger.

But what exactly is the dark web?

The dark web is a part of the internet that isn’t indexed by traditional search engines like Google. It requires special software, such as Tor (The Onion Router), to access. Unlike the surface, or regular, web, which is accessible to anyone with an internet connection, the dark web is designed to provide anonymity to its users. This makes it a haven for various activities, both legal and illegal. For example, you can find forums for whistleblowers, marketplaces for illicit goods like drugs and weapons, and services for hacking and fraud.

Also, stolen credit card information, personal identification details like Social Security numbers, and login credentials for online accounts are being sold on the dark web. The value of this data to hackers is immense. Stolen credit card information can be used for fraudulent purchases, personal identification details can be used for identity theft, and login credentials can be exploited to gain unauthorized access to various services. The dark web also hosts marketplaces for illicit goods like drugs and weapons and services for hacking and fraud.

This is not just some random dude in his basement stealing a bit here and there; we’re talking about a trillion-dollar business-like cybercriminal operation with employee benefits and yields over $1.5 trillion in revenue per year!


So what can we do to protect ourselves, our employees, and our customer data from these heinous individuals?

Here Are 5 Actions That You Can Take Today to Protect Your Data from Being Sold on the Dark Web:

Regularly Update Software and Use Antivirus Protection

Keeping your software, operating systems, and antivirus programs up to date ensures you have the latest security patches and protections against new threats. Cybercriminals often exploit vulnerabilities in outdated software to gain access to systems and data. Regular updates and robust antivirus protection help safeguard your devices from malware, spyware, ransomware, and other malicious attacks.

Backup Everything!

Data is the lifeblood of every business. Unfortunately, the risks and threats to that data’s protection, privacy, and usability are endless. Follow the 3-2-1 method for backups: a minimum of three unique copies of your data, two available locally and one off-site or in the cloud.

By maintaining up-to-date backups, you can quickly restore your data and minimize downtime in the event of a breach or other data loss incident. This ensures business continuity and protects your valuable information.

Defend With Your Biggest Threat

Over 90% of data breaches start with a phishing attack, and everything a cybercriminal needs to mount an effective attack against you is available on the Dark Web. Prevent those attacks from wreaking havoc by training your employees to be able to spot scams from a mile away. With Meeting Tree Computer’s Security Awareness and Phishing Simulation Training, we’ll ensure that your staff is ready to be your first line of defense against this Dark Web threat.

Passwords, Passwords, Passwords and more Passwords

Make ‘m strong, make ‘m UNIQUE.

Get Someone to Watch Your Back

Do you know if your data is for sale on the Dark Web? Was your company exposed to a third-party Dark Web data dump? Find out with a Dark Web monitoring service. At Meeting Tree Computer, we not only offer proactive defense networks against malicious actors, but we can also dive deep into the corners of the Dark Web and alert you to potential trouble quickly, enabling you to stop cyberattacks before they start.


Ensure that your data and business are protected and secure from all cyber threats; contact Meeting Tree Computer today: 845-237-2117

Meeting Tree Computer is a complete technology solution provider and the leading IT Support and Managed Service Provider in the Hudson Valley, NY area. We are located in Orange County, NY, but we service all surrounding areas, including Danbury, CT, and Bergen County, NJ. 

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